Scrap Yard Journal

Find the Best Scrap Yards on Your Finger Tips

Scrap yards, junk yards, salvage yards, and all the related businesses. Find reviews about your favorite scrap yards, list your scrap yard, and much more.

Welcome to Scrap Yard Journal!

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Your go-to destination for comprehensive and reliable listings/reviews of scrap yards / junk yards / salvage yards near you.

We understand that finding a trustworthy scrap yard is crucial for individuals and businesses looking to buy or sell scrap of different types such as metal, electronic appliances, furniture, and wires.

Our dedicated team of reviewers has thoroughly evaluated numerous scrap yards throughout the US to provide you with detailed insights, ratings, and user experiences. Whether you’re searching for the best prices, exceptional customer service, or a wide range of metal types accepted, our website is your ultimate resource.

Make informed decisions and save time and effort by exploring Scrap Yard Journal today.